Modifications reserved Page 40/66OPM_LPS_3UO_80K_M10_1US_V010.doc User Manual LP33 Series 80 & 100 UL S16.5 COMMANDSThe COMMANDS mode is entered any time the “CMDS” key is pressed.This allows the user to execute UPS operation commands.In this mode the keys perform the following functions:Return to HOME screen.Scrolls forward to the next screen.V Scrolls forward to the next line. Confirm the selection made.It is possible to view any key functional description by pushing the key for more than 3 seconds.`Home\ CommandsCOMMANDSLAMP TESTINVERTER ONINVERTER OFFBOOSTER ON (Service)V Commands screen 1LAMP TESTSignaling LEDs test and buzzer test (all LED should be lit andblinking and the acoustical alarm should be activated).INVERTER ONCommand to switch the inverter.INVERTER OFFCommand to shutdown the inverter.BOOSTER ON (Service)Service only allowed.`Home\ CommandsCOMMANDSRESET TOTAL OFFREQUEST TOTAL OFFV Commands screen 2RESET TOTAL OFFRestore of the command “Load Off”.REQUEST TOTAL OFFCommand “Load Off”.Screen sequence to execute the command “Load Off”:`Home\ Commands `Home\ CommandsCOMMANDS COMMANDSRESET TOTAL OFF RESET TOTAL OFFREQUEST TOTAL OFF CANCEL TOTAL OFFEXECUTE TOTAL OFFV V As the command procedureof “Load Off” is finished the“REQUEST TOTAL OFF”screen appears again.