Modifications reserved Page 48/66OPM_LPS_3UO_80K_M10_1US_V010.doc User Manual LP33 Series 80 & 100 UL S17.1.3 From Manual Bypass Q2 to normal function VFIThis procedure presupposes that the load is powered by the manual bypass switch, and:• The inverter is switched OFF;• The manual bypass switch Q2 is closed (Pos. I);• The output switch Q1 is open (Pos. 0);• The “Battery Breaker” of the battery cabinet is OFF (Pos. 0).• LED Alarm blinks.NOTE !This procedure must not be performed if the UPS is used as frequency converter.1. Close the output switch Q1 (Pos. I).Load is now supplied parallel through automatic bypassand manual bypass Q2.The synoptic diagram must display the status “LOADSUPPLIED BY AUTOMATIC BYPASS AND MANUAL BYPASSQ2”.2. Switch ON (Pos. I) the “Battery Breaker” from battery cabinet.`Home\CommandsCOMMANDSRESET TOTAL OFFREQUEST TOTAL OFF3. Only in case it has been previously activated, restorethe command “Load Off” by entering the screen:COMMANDS/RESET TOTAL OFFV `Home\MeterBOOSTERf : 60.0 HzL1 : 120 VL2 : 120 VL3 : 120 VVp : 210 VVn : 210 V4. Open the manual bypass switch Q2 (Pos. 0).The load is supplied by the utility through the automaticbypass.Verify, selecting the screen METERING/BOOSTER/Vp andVn, that the booster voltage has reached about 210 Vdc.5. Insert the inverter by pressing “Inverter ON” ( I ) key.Some seconds later the load will be transferred oninverter.LED Alarm turns OFF and the LED Operation must be lit.The synoptic diagram must display the status “LOADSUPPLIED BY INVERTER”.END OF PROCEDURE