Page 21LOCATION 41 SPECIAL FEATURES 1 segment, feature selectionâ On enables the 6-digit code option. If 6-digit option is enabled, all arm/disarm codes andthe "Go To Program Code" are 6 digits. If this option is enabled, the default user #1 codeis [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5]-[6]. NOTE: IF YOU ENABLE THIS OPTION, VERIFY THAT THE"GO TO PROGRAM CODE" IS A 6-DIGIT CODE BEFORE EXITING PROGRAMMING.ã On requires code entry for [r]-[9]-[8] ACall back for download@ and [r]-[9]-[9] AAnswerincoming call for download@ functions.ä On enables AAuto Cancel/Abort@. Refer to feature definitions beginning on page 3.å On enables AWalk-Test Mode@. Refer to feature definitions beginning on page 3.Ò - é Reserved.LOCATION 42 GO TO PROGRAM CODE 6 segments, numerical dataLocation 42 contains the "Go To Program Code". This location contains either a 4 or 6-digit code. If the 6-digit codeoption is enabled in Location 41, this code must contain six (6) digits. If this option is not enabled in location 41, the last2 segments (digits) will be ignored. With the NX-6 disarmed, the "Go To Program Code" can be used to enter theProgram Mode.LOCATION 43 GO TO PROGRAM CODE PARTITION ANDAUTHORIZATION2 segments, feature selectionThe "Go To Program Code" can be used as a standard arm/disarm code. When using the code to arm or disarm, the userID is 255. (This code may not be changed in the Run Mode.)Segment 1 â Reserved.ã On enables "Go To Program Code" as an arm only code.ä On enables "Go To Program Code" as an arm only after closing.å On enables "Go To Program Code" as a master arm/disarm code (can change user codes)æ On enables "Go To Program Code" as an arm/disarm code.ç On enables "Go To Program Code" to bypass zones.è On enables "Go To Program Code" opening and closing reports.é Reserved.Segment 2 â On enables the "Go To Program Code" for Partition #1.ã On enables the "Go To Program Code" for Partition #2.LOCATION 44 DURESS CODE 6 segments, numerical dataLocation 44 contains the "Duress" code. This Location contains either 4 or 6 digits. If the 6-digit code option is enabledin Location 41, this code must contain six (6) digits. If the 6-digit option is not enabled in location 41, the last 2 digitswill be ignored. If the duress code is programmed, it will work for all partitions.LOCATION 45 AUXILIARY OUTPUT, PARTITION SELECTION 4 segments, feature selectionLocation 45 is used to select which partition(s) the events must occur in before the output will activate. Location 45 has4 segments. Segment 1 corresponds to Output 1, and Segment 4 corresponds to Output 4.Segments1 - 4â Partition #1ã Partition #2LOCATION 46 AUXILIARY OUTPUT, SPECIAL TIMING 4 segments, feature selectionLocation 46 contains special timing feature activation for the four auxiliary outputs. Segment 1 corresponds to AuxiliaryOutput 1, Segment 4 corresponds to Auxiliary Output 4.Segments1 - 4â On if output should be timed in minutes; Off if timed in seconds.ã On if output should latch; Off if output should be timed.ä On if output should stop timing upon code entry; Off if the output should continue to timeupon code entry.å On if output should only activate between the closing and opening time in loc. 52 and 53.æ On if output should only activate between the opening and closing time in loc. 52 and 53.ç On if output should be inverted (0 volts going to 12 volts when activated).è Reserved.é Reserved.