Page 4Built In Siren DriverThe NX-6 has a built-in 112db siren driver. When desired, this built-in driver can be easily converted to a 1-amp voltageoutput through programming. (Loc. 37, pg. 19)Bypass ToggleThis feature will enable the end user to toggle (turn on or off) the bypass of an interior zone with the system armed bypressing the [Bypass] key. (Loc. 23, pg. 17)Call BackWhen enabled, the control will use the call back phone number to call the download computer before beginning adownload. (Loc. 21, pg. 16)CancelIf enabled, the NX-6 will send a "Cancel" report if when the system is disarmed and the [Cancel] button is pressedwithin 5 minutes of an alarm. Once the [Cancel] key is pressed, the "Cancel" LED will illuminate until the central stationacknowledges the "Cancel" report. ADialer Delay@ must be enabled in the ACharacteristic Select@ of locations 110-149.(Loc. 23, pg. 17)Code Required OptionsThe NX-6 can be programmed to require a code for bypassing zones and/or initiating a download using the [r]-[9]-[8]or [r]-[9]-[9] function. (Loc. 23 and 41, pg. 17 and 21)Communication FormatsThe NX-6 can report in multiple formats. It is recommended that you use Contact ID or SIA formats if possible. If youwish to report to a pager or in a 4+2 format to a central station, you must program each code to be reported. (Loc.56-83 and 110-149, pg. 24 - 28)Cross ZoningThis feature requires two or more trips on a zone or zones programmed as "cross zones" within a specified time beforereporting an alarm. During the time between trips, the NX-6 can be programmed to sound the keypad and/or the siren.The NX-6 can also be programmed to report an alarm after two or more trips on the same zone. (Loc. 37, 39, 40 and110-149, pg. 19 - 20, 28)Dual / Split / Multiple ReportsThe NX-6 can send communication reports to three different phone numbers for dual, split or multiple reports selectableby event or partition. (Loc. 4, 10, and 16, pg. 12-15)Duress CodeIf a duress code is programmed the NX-6 will send a duress signal whenever the panel is armed or disarmed with thiscode. If open/close reports are sent, the user code will be 254. (Loc. 44, pg. 21)Dynamic Battery TestThe NX-6 can be programmed to perform a Dynamic Battery Test for a selected duration the first time the panel isarmed or disarmed every day, as well as when the Test Function [r][4] is performed. If the panel is not armed ordisarmed, it will perform the test at midnight. The NX-6 can also be programmed to perform a missing battery testevery 12 seconds. (Loc. 37 and 40, pg. 19 and 20)Entry-Guard NOTE: This feature must be disabled for UL installationsThis unique low-level arming mode has been developed to reduce the most common source of false alarms. Whenarmed in the "Stay" mode, the opening of any zones designated as "Entry Guard" will initiate the keypad sounder andstart the entry delay before creating an alarm. All other zones will function as normal. This arming mode will encouragesystem owners to use their system more frequently when the premise is occupied. (Loc. 111-149, pg. 28)Exit ErrorIf enabled, the NX-6 will send an "Exit Error Report" if an entry/exit zone is faulted at the instant the exit delay expires.This report will be sent along with the user number that armed the system, if the panel is not disarmed before the entrydelay expires. The alarm report will also be sent. Even if this feature is not enabled, the siren will sound if anyentry/exit zone is faulted at the instant the exit delay expires. (Loc. 23, pg. 17)Expander TroubleThe NX-6 will report expander trouble to the central station if enabled. This condition will illuminate the "Service" LEDon the keypad even if not reported. NOTE: The keypads are considered expanders. The number of the expansiondevices reported can be found on page 39. (Loc. 37, pg. 19)