MicrowavingAdvontium OvenMicrowavesensorcooking tipsThe sensor feature detects theincreasing humidity released duringcooking. The oven automatically adjuststhe cooking time to various types andamounts of food.Do not use the sensor features twice insuccession on the same food portion-it may result in severely evemooked orburnt food. If food is undercooked afterthe first countdown, use COOK BY TIMEfor additional cooking time.The proper containers and covers areessential far best sensor cooking.• Alwags use microwave-safecontainers and cover them with lidsor vented plastic wrap.Never use tight sealing plasticcontainers-theg can preventsteam from escaping and causefood to overcook.• Be sure the outside of the cookingcontainers and the inside of theoven are drg before placing foodin the oven. Beads of moistureturning into steam can misleadthe sensor.• Beverages are best heateduncovered.CoveredVented4Dry off dishes so they don'tmislead the sensor.MICROWAVE SENSOR PROGRAMS• Ground Heat• Popcorn(Prepackaged microwave popcorn,3.0 oz. to 3.5 oz.)• Soup• Rice• Vegetables (Canned, Fresh, Frozen)• Chicken Reheat• Pasta Reheat• Plate of Food Reheat• Soup Reheat• Vegetable Reheat25