49-2000316 Rev. 0USING THE RANGE: 6SHFLDO)HDWXUHV6DEEDWK0RGHThere are several different special features on your range. To change the settings of these special features:Ŷ 3UHVVWKHBake and Broil pads at the same time and hold for three seconds.Ŷ ³6)´ZLOODSSHDULQWKHGLVSOD\Ŷ )RULQVWUXFWLRQVRQKRZWRVHOHFWGLIIHUHQWIHDWXUHVUHIHUWRWKHVHFWLRQEHORZWKDWFRUUHVSRQGVWRWKHVSHFLDOfeature of interest.Ŷ :KHQWKHFKDQJHKDVEHHQPDGHSUHVVWKHStart key to save the change and exit the special features menu.Adjust the Oven TemperatureThis feature allows the oven baking temperature to beDGMXVWHGXSWR)KRWWHURUGRZQWR)FRROHU8VHthis feature if you believe your oven temperature is toohot or too cold and wish to change it. This adjustmentaffects every cooking mode except broil.After entering the special features menu, press theBake pad to enter the temperature adjustment mode. AQXPEHUEHWZHHQDQGZLOOGLVSOD\8VHWKH+ or -SDGVWRVHWWKHGHVLUHGWHPSHUDWXUHDGMXVWPHQW3UHVVthe Start pad to save the temperature adjustment.12-Hour Auto Shut-Off and SabbathKRXUDXWRVKXWRIIWXUQVRIIWKHRYHQDIWHUKRXUVRIFRQWLQXRXVRSHUDWLRQ7KHKRXUDXWRVKXWRIIPD\be “on” or “oFF.” For details on the “sAb” option, see theSabbath Mode Section. Enter into the special featuresmenu as outlined above and repeatedly press the SetClock pad until the desired setting is displayed. If yourmodel does not have a Set Clock pad, then repeatedlypress the Cook Time pad until the desired setting isGLVSOD\HG3UHVVWKHStart pad to save the setting.Clock Display (on some models)This feature specifies if the time of day is displayed.The clock display may be “on” or “oFF.” If your modelhas a Set Clock pad, see the Oven Controls section forinstructions on adjusting the display. If your model doesnot have a Set Clock pad, enter into the special featuresPHQXDVRXWOLQHGDERYH3UHVVWKHTimer pad to see theFXUUHQWVHWWLQJ3UHVVWKHTimer pad again to change theVHWWLQJ3UHVVWKHStart pad to save the display setting.Increment/Decrement Speed$VHWWLQJ LHWHPSHUDWXUH PD\EHUDSLGO\DGMXVWHGby pressing and holding the + or - pad. To adjust theLQFUHPHQWGHFUHPHQWVSHHGHQWHULQWRWKHVSHFLDOIHDWXUHVPHQXDVRXWOLQHGDERYH3UHVVWKH+ pad toincrease the speed or press the - pad to decrease theVSHHG6HWWLQJVYDU\IURP VORZHVW WR IDVWHVW 3UHVVWKHStart pad to save the speed setting.The Sabbath mode feature complies with standards set forth by Star K. Only continuous baking or timed baking isallowed in the Sabbath mode. All tones are disabled in the Sabbath mode. Cooking in the Sabbath mode is a two-step process, first the Sabbath mode must be set and then the bake mode must be set.Setting the Sabbath Mode3UHVVWKHBake and Broil pads at the same time andhold for three seconds. “SF” will appear in the display.3UHVVWKHSet Clock pad until “SAb” appears in thedisplay and then press Start. If your model does nothave a Set Clock pad, then press the Cook Time paduntil “SAb” appears in the display and then press Start.A single bracket “]” will appear in the display indicatingthat the Sabbath mode is set. Continuous bake or timedbake can now be set as outlined below.Start a Continuous Bake3UHVVBakeLIDWHPSHUDWXUHRWKHUWKDQ)LVGHVLUHGthen press the + or - pads to adjust the temperature in25 degree increments, then press Start. After a delay, asecond bracket “] [” will appear in the display indicatingthat the oven is baking.Adjusting the Temperature3UHVVBake, then press the + or - pads to adjust thetemperature in 25 degree increments, then press Start.An oven thermometer can be used if some indication oftemperature setting is desired.Start a Timed Bake3UHVVCook Time, then press the + or - pads to adjustWKHFRRNWLPHLQRQHPLQXWHLQFUHPHQWV3UHVVBake,LIDWHPSHUDWXUHRWKHUWKDQ)LVGHVLUHGWKHQSUHVVthe + or - pads to adjust the temperature in 25 degreeincrements, then press Start. After a delay, a secondbracket “] [” will appear in the display indicating that theoven is baking. When the cook time expires the displaywill change back to a single bracket “]” indicating that theoven is no longer baking.Special FeaturesSabbath Mode