4 49-2000316 Rev. 0SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCEWARNING GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING NEVER use this applianceas a space heater to heat or warm the room.Doing so may result in carbon monoxidepoisoning and overheating of the oven.Ŷ 8VHWKLVDSSOLDQFHIRULWVLQWHQGHGSXUSRVHDVdescribed in this owner’s manual.Ŷ +DYH\RXUUDQJHLQVWDOOHGDQGSURSHUO\JURXQGHGE\a qualified installer in accordance with the providedinstallation instructions.Ŷ $Q\DGMXVWPHQWDQGVHUYLFHVKRXOGEHSHUIRUPHGonly by a qualified gas range installer or servicetechnician. Do not attempt to repair or replaceany part of your range unless it is specificallyrecommended in this manual.Ŷ with natural gas. It can be converted for use withpropane gas. If required, these adjustments must bemade by a qualified technician in accordance withthe installation instructions and local codes. Theagency performing this work assumes responsibilityfor the conversion.Ŷ +DYHWKHLQVWDOOHUVKRZ\RXWKHORFDWLRQRIWKHrange gas shut-off valve and how to turn it off ifnecessary.Ŷ 3OXJ\RXUUDQJHLQWRDYROWJURXQGHGRXWOHWonly. Do not remove the round grounding prongfrom the plug. If in doubt about the grounding of thehome electrical system, it is your responsibility andobligation to have an ungrounded outlet replacedwith a properly grounded, three prong outlet inaccordance with the National Electrical Code. Donot use an extension cord with this appliance.Ŷ %HIRUHSHUIRUPLQJDQ\VHUYLFHXQSOXJWKHUDQJHor disconnect the power supply at the householddistribution panel by removing the fuse or switchingoff the circuit breaker.Ŷ %HVXUHDOOSDFNLQJPDWHULDOVDUHUHPRYHGIURPWKHrange before operating to prevent ignition of thesematerials.Ŷ $YRLGVFUDWFKLQJRULPSDFWLQJJODVVGRRUVcooktops, or control panels. Doing so may leadto glass breakage. Do not cook on a product withbroken glass. Shock, fire, or cuts may occur.Ŷ 'RQRWOHDYHFKLOGUHQDORQHRUXQDWWHQGHGLQDQarea where an appliance is in use. They shouldnever be allowed to climb, sit or stand on any partof the appliance.Ŷ CAUTION Do not store items of interestto children in cabinets above an oven - childrenclimbing on the oven to reach items could beseriously injured.Ŷ 1HYHUEORFNWKHYHQWV DLURSHQLQJV RIWKHUDQJHThey provide the air inlets and outlets that arenecessary for the range to operate properly withcorrect combustion. Air openings are located at therear of the cooktop, at the top and bottom of theoven door, and at the bottom of the range under thewarming drawer, lower oven drawer or kick panel.Ŷ 8VHRQO\GU\SRWKROGHUV²PRLVWRUGDPSSRWholders on hot surfaces may result in burns fromsteam. Do not let pot holders touch surface burners,burner grate, or oven heating element. Do not use atowel or other bulky cloth in place of pot holders.Ŷ 'RQRWWRXFKWKHKHDWLQJHOHPHQWVRUWKHLQWHULRUsurface of the oven. These surfaces may be hotenough to burn even though they are dark in color.During and after use, do not touch, or let clothingor other flammable materials contact any interiorarea of the oven; allow sufficient time for coolingfirst. Other surfaces of the appliance may becomeKRWHQRXJKWRFDXVHEXUQV3RWHQWLDOO\KRWVXUIDFHVinclude the burners, grates, oven vent opening,surfaces near the opening, and crevices around theoven door.Ŷ 'RQRWKHDWXQRSHQHGIRRGFRQWDLQHUV3UHVVXUHcould build up and the container could burst,causing an injury.Ŷ &RRNIRRGWKRURXJKO\WRKHOSSURWHFWDJDLQVWfoodborne illness. Minimum safe food temperaturerecommendations can be found at IsItDoneYet.govand fsis.usda.gov8VHDIRRGWKHUPRPHWHUWRWDNHfood temperatures and check several locations.Ŷ 'RQRWDOORZDQ\RQHWRFOLPEVWDQGRUKDQJRQWKHoven door, drawer or cooktop. They could damagethe range or tip it over causing severe injury or death.