49-2000316 Rev. 0 7In Case of a Power FailureUSING THE RANGE: ,Q &DVH RI D 3RZHU )DLOXUH 6XUIDFH %XUQHUVSurface BurnersIn the event of a power failure, the oven is inoperable and no attempt should be made to operate it. However, theVXUIDFHEXUQHUVPD\EHOLWZLWK DPDWFK8VLQJH[WUHPHFDXWLRQKROGDOLWPDWFKQHDUWKHSRUWVEHQHDWKWKHVXUIDFHburner cap, then slowly turn the knob to the LITE position. Once lit, surface burners will continue to operate normally.Lighting a Surface BurnerWARNING Burners should be operated onlywhen covered by cookware. Burner flames notcovered by cookware present a risk of fire orclothing ignition. Never let flames extend beyond thesides of the cookware. Failure to comply may resultin serious injury.Make sure all burners are in their correct locations andfully assembled before attempting to operate any burner.6HOHFWDEXUQHUDQGILQGLWVFRQWURONQRE3XVKWKHNQREin and turn it to the LITE position.You will hear a clickingQRLVH²WKHVRXQGRIWKHelectric spark igniting theburner. When one burner isturned to LITE, all burnerswill spark. Sparking willcontinue as long as the knobremains at LITE. Once gasis ignited, turn the knob toadjust the flame size.Using the Surface BurnersNOTES:Ŷ 'RQRWRSHUDWHWKHEXUQHUIRUDQH[WHQGHGSHULRGRItime without cookware on the grate. The finish on thegrate may discolor or chip without cookware to absorbthe heat.Ŷ 'RQRWDWWHPSWWRGLVDVVHPEOHDQ\EXUQHUZKLOHDQRWKHUburner is on. Damage to the product may occur.Ŷ %HVXUHWKHEXUQHUVDQGJUDWHVDUHFRROEHIRUH\RXplace your hand, a pot holder or cleaning materialson them.Your rangetop offers convenience, cleanability andflexibility for a wide range of cooking applications.The smallest burner is the simmer burner. A simmerburner turned down to LO provides precise cookingperformance for foods such as delicate sauces thatrequire low heat for a long cooking time.Selecting a Flame SizeWatch the flame, not the knob, as you adjust heat. Whenrapid heating is desired, the flame size should match thesize of the cookware you are using. Flames larger thanthe bottom of the cookware will not heat faster and maybe hazardous.These flames are too large for the pot3XVKWKHFRQWURONQRELQDQGturn it to the LITE position.Types of Surface BurnersRound Burner8VHWKLVEXUQHUIRUJHQHUDOFRRNLQJSXUSRVHVSize cookware appropriately to the flames.Oval Burner (on some models)8VHWKLVEXUQHUWRFRRNRQWKHJULGGOH