49-2000316 Rev. 0 CookwareCookware GuidelinesThe material, finish, and size of cookware affect bakingperformance.Dark, coated and dull pans absorb heat more readilyWKDQOLJKWVKLQ\SDQV3DQVWKDWDEVRUEKHDWPRUHreadily can result in a browner, crisper, and thicker crust.If using dark and coated cookware check food earlierthan minimum cook time. If undesirable results areobtained with this type of cookware consider reducingoven temperature by 25°F next time.Shiny pans can produce more evenly cooked bakedgoods such as cakes and cookies.Glass and ceramic pans heat slowly but retain heat well.These types of pans work well for dishes such as piesand custards.Air insulated pans heat slowly and can reduce bottombrowning.Keep cookware clean to promote even heating.Stoneware heats slowly and retains heat well. It isrecommended to preheat this type of cookware ifpossible. Additional cook time may be required.Oven Air VentsUSING THE RANGE: &RRNZDUH2YHQ$LU9HQWV1HYHUEORFNWKHYHQWV DLURSHQLQJV RIWKHUDQJH7KH\provide the air inlet and outlet that are necessary for therange to keep cool and operate properly with correctcombustion.Air openings are located at the rear of the cooktop, atthe top and bottom of the oven door, and at the bottomof the range. 9HQWDSSHDUDQFHDQGORFDWLRQYDU\