g GEOPM_SGS_USM_10K_40K_0US_V010.doc 39/88 Operating Manual SG Series 10, 20, 30 & 40 kVA6.6.2 Messages listCode Message Meaning4002 WATCHDOGRESETThe microprocessor has detected an incorrect operation:Transfers the Load on Utility and performs a program reset.The Inverter will restart automatically and will supply theLoad.4111 RECTIFIERUTILITY OKRectifier Input Utility is again within the admitted tolerance(voltage, frequency and phase).4119 BATTERY TESTSTARTEDStart of Manual or Automatic Battery Test.4120 BATTERY TESTSTOPPEDEnd of Manual or Automatic Battery Test.4161 RECTIFIERONRectifier started.4162 RECTIFIEROFFRectifier shutdown.4163 GENERATORONCustomer Interface (X1 - 11, 22) received a Gen-set ONsignal.Operating mode depend on setting of Parameters.4164 GENERATOROFFCustomer Interface (X1 - 11, 22) received a Gen-set OFFsignal.Function Bypass enabled depends on setting of Parameter.4302INVERTERCANNOT BETURNED ONInverter cannot be switched on because one of the followingconditions is still present:• Over Temperature• Low Battery Voltage• Inverter Fuses• Overload• K7 opening Failure• High Battery Voltage• DC Low• EPO4303INVERTERCANNOT BETURNED OFFInverter cannot be switched OFF, because the Load cannotbe switched to Utility (voltage out of tolerance, not synchrony,BP blocked).4361 INVERTERONThe command to start the Inverter has been activated on thecontrol panel.4362 INVERTEROFFThe command to switch OFF the Inverter has been activatedby the control panel or automatically for alarm presence.4411 BYPASS UTILITYOKBypass Input Utility is again within tolerance (voltage,frequency and phase).4500 COMMANDLOAD OFFDisconnection of the Load by opening K6 and K7 for:EPO / total off / Overload / stop operation.4521 NO BYPASSPOWERWith the Load supplied by Automatic Bypass, a Utility Failureor K6 opening occurred.4534 MULTIPLE LOADTRANSFER2 transfers Inverter- Utility have been detected in a short time,(default 30 sec.).