g GEOPM_SGS_USM_10K_40K_0US_V010.doc 84/88 Operating Manual SG Series 10, 20, 30 & 40 kVA9.4 CONNECTION FOR OPTIONSThe installation and cabling of the options must be performed a qualifiedservice person.9.4.1 Remote Signaling Box (RSB)The optional Remote Signaling Box allows monitoring of the operation of the UPS, using the potentialfree contacts fitted on the “P4 - Customer Interface Board“ of the UPS.It can be used by simply putting the box on a desktop or on a wall or, removing the box, it can besurface mounted.The remote panel contains an internal buzzer and the following status indicators:• Mimic diagram with LED's indicating the operation of Rectifier and Inverter, and the powersource supplying the critical Load.• Alarm (LED light and audible alarm) indicating a critical situation on the UPS.• Stop indicating the UPS is preparing to shut down in a short time.• Mute push button to reset the buzzer.• Test push button checks all the LED’s and the buzzer of the remote panel.The cable connecting the RSB to the UPS cabinet must be min. 16 wires / 0.25mm2 .The plug B is included in the delivery of the option RSB (cable connecting UPS with RSB not included).Maximal admitted length: 985 ft (300 m).It must be wired at one end with a D - female plug- 25 pin (J2 – P4 Customer Interface Board).The alarms on free potential contacts can be connected on terminals X1instead J2 (see correlation X1 – J2 in chapter 8.1).Mute Testmax 985ft / 300myellow/brownwhite/yellow12435 brown/green76810911white/greenblue/redvioletgrey/pink131214161517 yellowgreenbrown202223191821 white2416COMMON ALLARMAUX. BUZZERSTOP OPERATION202223171938LOAD ON MAINSLOAD ON INVERTER5655504344494042SIGNALLINGUTILITY FAILUREGND24V3437333231X15IM654412J2 - SUB D - MALEREMOTEX3X4AAB - P4 - IM0005B PLUGJ277mm3 in130mm216mm5 1/4" in8 1/2" in25blackP.S.: The above mentioned colors areXATERMINALS BLOCKTERMINALSXApinkredbluegreypinkredgreyblueSUB D - MALEsuitables only for XY standard cableSGT5000_OPT_010-150_RMS_01US112 13214315416517618719820921102211114 912112341234J2XABLOCK BOXPink + RedGrey + BlueStopAlarmg GE Digital EnergyCustomer Interface21Fig. 8.4.1-1 Remote Signaling Box connectionA Terminals X3, X4 and X15 fitted inside the Remote Signaling Box.B Plug J2 (sub D - male - 25 pin) must be connected to the connector J2 (sub D - female-25 pin) located on “P4 - Customer Interface Board“.XA Terminals block XA for 24 VDC / 1A supply Remote Signaling Box.If the remote signal panel is plugged on connector J2, the terminal blocks X1cannot be used to drive an external alarms monitoring device, because it issupplied by the internal UPS low voltage power supply.