Critical PowerModifications reserved Page 37/91GE_UPS_USM_TLE_SUL_M16_M50_2bU_V010.docx User Manual TLE Series 160 - 500 UL S2BCode Alarm Description4143 BOOSTER/BATTERY CHARGERCURRENT MAXDetection of maximum current in thebooster/battery charger.The Booster/Battery charger and Inverter will switchoff for protection purposes.4146 4TH LEG DRIVER FAILURE The Booster’s driver indicates the presence of adefect which switches the power off.4147 BATTERY CHARGER DRIVER FAILURE The Battery charger driver indicates a defect,switching it off.4150 BOOSTER OVERTEMPERATURE The temperature of the booster bridge exceeds themachine’s set limit or the coil’s sensor is on.4151 4TH LEG OVERTEMPERATURE The temperature of the 4 th leg’s bridge exceeds themachine’s set limit.4301 INVERTER FUSESThe alarm signals an Inverter outlet fuses fault,causing it to switch off immediately.It may only be manually switched on after the alarmhas ceased.4304 K7 CLOSING FAILUREK7 not closed despite a closing command.Signaled by auxiliary contact.Load will be supplied by Utility.4305 K7 OPENING FAILUREK7 not open despite an opening command.Signaled by auxiliary contact.Load will be supplied by Utility.4307 INVERTER TRANSFORMEROVERTEMPERATUREThe temperature sensor of the Inverter Transformerindicates overtemperature.Elapsed “stop operation” time, Inverter shut-down.With Utility OK, Load is transferred on Utility.4308 DC FUSES FAILURE Blown input DC fuse(s) F1 of the Inverter.Inverter cannot be started as long as present.4309 DRIVER FAILUREAn abnormal condition has been detected on one ormore power modules of the Inverter (temperature orovercurrent).Inverter shut-down and cannot be started as long asthe alarm is present.4310 IGBT RECTIFIER DRIVER FAILUREIndicates a failure on the driver board or the RectifierIGBT bridge.The Rectifier is shut-down.4311 BOOSTER DRIVER FAILURE Driver Booster error signal.4312 INVERTER VOLTAGE OUTOF TOLERANCEInverter Output Voltage is out of the tolerances (±10%).Inverter is switched OFF.4320 ISMAX DETECTIONDetection of Inverter Bridge (Is) current limit causingthe Inverter OFF and automatic re-start.After 3 times the Inverter switches-Off, and it can berestarted manually.4321 HIGH CURRENT SHARING A high exchange current value is detected betweenthe UPS of the Parallel System.4340 INVERTER CONTROL FAILUREThe “Slave” oscillator is not in synchronized with theMaster; thus causing the shut-down of its Inverter.If after a restart the condition remains, the LEDinside the Inverter symbol on the panel will not lightup, indicating that this Inverter cannot supply theLoad anymore.