GE Multilin T60 Transformer Protection System 5-1195 SETTINGS 5.4 SYSTEM SETUP5• PMU 1 TIMED TRIGGER POSITION: This setting specifies the amount of pre-trigger data in percent of the entirerecord.• PMU1 PORT 1 PHS-1 to PMU1 PORT 1 PHS-14: These settings specify synchrophasors to be recorded from thesuperset of all synchronized measurements as indicated in the following table. These settings allow for optimizing therecord size and content depending on a given application. Select “Off” to suppress recording of a given value.• PMU 1 REC PHS-1 NM to PMU 1 REC PHS-14 NM: These settings allow for custom naming of the synchrophasorchannels. Sixteen-character ASCII strings are allowed as in the CHNAM field of the configuration frame. Typicallythese names would be based on station, bus, or breaker names.• PMU 1 REC A-CH-1 to PMU 1 REC A-CH-8: These settings specify analog data measured by the relay to be includedas a user-selectable analog channel of the record. Up to eight analog channels can be configured to record any Flex-Analog™ value from the relay. Examples include active and reactive power, per phase or three-phase power, powerfactor, temperature via RTD inputs, and THD. The configured analogs are sampled concurrently with the synchropha-sor instant.• PMU 1 REC A-CH-1 NM to PMU 1 REC A-CH-8 NM: These settings allow for custom naming of the analog channels.Sixteen-character ASCII strings are allowed as in the CHNAM field of the configuration frame.• PMU 1 REC D-CH-1 to PMU 1 REC D-CH-16: These settings specify any digital flag measured by the relay to beincluded as a user-selectable digital channel in the record. Up to digital analog channels can be configured to recordany FlexLogic™ operand from the relay. The configured digital flags are sampled concurrently with the synchrophasorinstant.• PMU 1 REC D-CH-1 NM to PMU 1 REC D-CH-16 NM: This setting allows custom naming of the digital channels. Six-teen-character ASCII strings are allowed as in the CHNAM field of the configuration frame.VALUE DESCRIPTIONVa First voltage channel, either Va or VabVb Second voltage channel, either Vb or VbcVc Third voltage channel, either Vc or VcaVx Fourth voltage channelIa Phase A current, physical channel or summation as per the source settingsIb Phase B current, physical channel or summation as per the source settingsIc Phase C current, physical channel or summation as per the source settingsIg Fourth current channel, physical or summation as per the source settingsV1 Positive-sequence voltage, referenced to VaV2 Negative-sequence voltage, referenced to VaV0 Zero-sequence voltageI1 Positive-sequence current, referenced to IaI2 Negative-sequence current, referenced to IaI0 Zero-sequence current