GE Multilin T60 Transformer Protection System B-89APPENDIX B B.4 MEMORY MAPPINGBF259ENUMERATION: BRICK RTD TYPE0 = 100 Ohm Nickel, 1 = 120 Ohm Nickel, 2 = 100 Ohm PlatinumF260ENUMERATION: DATA LOGGER MODE0 = Continuous, 1 = TriggerF261ENUMERATION: BANK REDUNDANCY TYPE0 = None, 1 = Dependability Biased, 2 = Security BiasedF262ENUMERATION: BRICK STATUS0 = Disabled, 1 = OK, 2 = Communications Trouble, 3 = Equip-ment Mismatch, 4 = Brick TroubleF300UR_UINT16: FLEXLOGIC™ BASE TYPE (7-bit type)The FlexLogic™ BASE type is 7 bits and is combined with an 8-bitdescriptor and 1 bit for protection element to form a 16-bit value.The combined bits are of the form: PTTTTTTTDDDDDDDD,where P bit if set, indicates that the FlexLogic™ type is associatedwith a protection element state and T represents bits for the BASEtype, and D represents bits for the descriptor.The values in square brackets indicate the base type with P prefix[PTTTTTTT] and the values in round brackets indicate the descrip-tor range. The right-most T bit indicates whether the type is an ONor OFF type. There can be a total of 64 types (plus protection ele-ments). There can be a total of 256 descriptors of each type.[0] Off (0) – this is boolean FALSE value[1] On (1) – this is boolean TRUE value[2] CONTACT INPUTS (1 to 96)[3] CONTACT INPUTS OFF (1 to 96)[4] VIRTUAL INPUTS (1 to 32)[6] VIRTUAL OUTPUTS (1 to 64)[10] CONTACT OUTPUTS VOLTAGE DETECTED (1 to 64)[11] CONTACT OUTPUTS VOLTAGE OFF DETECTED (1 to 64)[12] CONTACT OUTPUTS CURRENT DETECTED (1 to 64)[13] CONTACT OUTPUTS CURRENT OFF DETECTED (1 to 64)[14] REMOTE INPUTS (1 to 32)[16] DIRECT INPUTS (1 to 96)[18] REMOTE OUTPUT DNA BIT PAIRS (1 to 32)[20] REMOTE OUTPUT UserSt BIT PAIRS (1 to 32)[22] REMOTE DEVICE ONLINE (1 to 16)[24] MISCELLANEOUS EQUATION[26] TELEPROTECTION INPUTS[28] INSERT (via keypad only)[30] DELETE (via keypad only)[32] END[34] NOT (1 INPUT)[36] 2 INPUT XOR (0)[38] LATCH SET/RESET (2 inputs)[40] OR (2 to 16 inputs)[42] AND (2 to 16 inputs)[44] NOR (2 to 16 inputs)[46] NAND (2 to 16 inputs)[48] TIMER (1 to 32)[50] ASSIGN VIRTUAL OUTPUT (1 to 64)[52] ONE SHOT[54] SELF-TEST ERROR (see F141 for range)[56] PLATFORM DIRECT INPUT (1 to 96)[58] PLATFORM DIRECT OUTPUT (1 to 96)[60] PLATFORM DIRECT DEVICE (1 to 8)[62] MISCELLANEOUS EVENTS (see F146 for range)[64] PDC NETWORK CONTROL[66] PMU RECORDER OUT OF MEMORY[68] PMU RECORDER STOPPED[128 to 255] ELEMENT STATES (see the Element States sectionin the Modbus memory map)F400UR_UINT16: CT/VT BANK SELECTIONF450UR_UINT16: AMBIENT SENSOR TYPESThis is a dynamic format code that is populated at initialization withtransducer types as specified in the UR order code.F460UR_UINT16: TOP-OIL SENSOR TYPESThis is a dynamic format code that is populated at initialization withtransducer types as specified in the UR order code.F470UR_UINT16: TRANSFORMER REFERENCE WINDING SELEC-TIONF491ENUMERATION: ANALOG INPUT MODE0 = Default Value, 1 = Last Known2 U23 U34 U45 U56 U67 U78 U8Value DescriptionBitmask Bank selection0 Card 1 Contact 1 to 41 Card 1 Contact 5 to 82 Card 2 Contact 1 to 43 Card 2 Contact 5 to 84 Card 3 Contact 1 to 45 Card 3 Contact 5 to 8