Flight SimulatorYour Apollo SL50/60 is provided with a FlightSimulation program that allows you to “fly” yourunit by simulating your ground speed. This sectiondescribes the procedures used to run the FlightSimulator, and re-install the unit.About theFlightSimulatorThe Flight Simulator is programmed into yourApollo SL50/60 at the factory. Your Apollo mustbe removed from the front panel of your aircraftand connected to a power supply with theappropriate power cable. The Flight Simulator isactivated during start up.The Apollo SL50/60 “asks” you to input a groundspeed and altitude each time it is powered-up. Thisspeed and altitude information will remain constantthroughout the simulation. The Apollo SL50/60uses a simulated GPS sensor to provide position,speed, and course information. As no externalsensors are connected while the simulation isrunning, no information is displayed about externalsensors. The simulated altitude does not changewhile the Flight Simulator is running.The Apollo SL50/60 uses the position of the firstFrom waypoint in the Active flight plan as theinitial position and simulates flight along thedesired track to each successive To waypoint.While “en route,” the Apollo SL50/60 generatesupdated navigation information and alert messagesconsistent with the simulated flight path. When theApollo SL50/60 “arrives” at the final waypoint ofyour flight plan, it stops waypoint sequencing. TheApollo SL50/60 continues to simulate flight pastthe waypoint and provides bearing and distanceinformation to the last To waypoint.105Flight Simulator