Welcome ...Welcome to a new era of aviation navigationcommunication. Once again, Garmin AT, Inc. hasset new standards in features and ease of use for thegeneral aviation public. The Apollo SL50 and SL60are unequaled in providing the features, level ofperformance, and reliability that aviation usersrequire. The Apollo slim line series of avionics setsa precedent that will be the standard that all otheravionics will be compared to. The Apollo SL50 is afull-featured slim line GPS receiver. The ApolloSL60 combines the capabilities of our outstandingGPS receiver with a state-of-the-art VHFcommunications transceiver in the same smallpackage. You can be confident in knowing that youare the owner of the state-of-the-art in aviationnavigation and communication. Our products arebuilt to last and to satisfy your navigation needs.iWelcome ...