SV31 DATA el:210 sig:055 az:0430Satellite Search Status SRCHReceiver is searching for the satellite ACQRreceiver is acquiring the signal TRCKreceiver has locked to the satellite’s data sequence DATAreceiver is locked and downloading data from thesatelliteUntil data is received by the receiver, a display maylook like the following:Third Sat Not AvailableGPS Date and Time PageIn the GPS Sensor Information function, turn theSmall knob to view the GPS Date and Time page.GPS Time(UTC) 13 May 96 17:54:27GPS Normal Reset PageResetting the GPS receiver deletes all GPSinformation and forces a new search of thesatellites. Use this function when it appears that theGPS receiver is locked up or seems to be taking farlonger than it should to lock onto the signals.1. In the GPS Sensor Information function, turn theSmall knob to view the GPS Normal Reset page.Press ENT to do Normal GPS Reset2. Press ENT to reset the GPS receiver.81System FunctionsENT