Problem Possible Cause ActionUnit does notpower onOpen in powersupply circuitCheck circuitbreaker - reset ifnecessaryFaulty electricalwiring orconnectionContact yourdealer to performelectrical systemtestNo GPS signalreceptionObstructed signalpathMove aircraft outof hangar or awayfrom buildings toprovide anunobstructed viewof the sky for theantennaIncorrect seedposition, time, orUTC differentialenteredCheck thesesettings, ifnecessaryIf using a wrongantenna: faultyexternal antenna,wiring, orconnectionsContact yourdealer to check theantenna and otherwiringSearch for nearestwaypoints revealstoo few or wrongtypes of waypointsIncorrect selectionof waypoint typesto show aftersearchCheck “AirspaceSetup” functionand verify that thedesired waypointtype to search is“ON”Position fix seemsinaccurateWrong seedpositionRe-enter seedpositionWaypointssequencing iserraticDirect-To entryoption setting maynot be correctIf you are flyingDirect-To, theoption should beset to “May Clear”,see page 74Wrong bearingand track valuesIncorrect magneticvariation enteredCheck MagneticVar option - select“Automatic” orenter correct valueCan’t changeactive frequencyComm Radio notcommunicatingContact dealer.110Troubleshooting