0 Astro Dog Tracking System Owner’s ManualM ap paGeM ap paGeThe Astro 220 comes with a built-in basemap thatincludes cities, interstates, state, and county highways,exit information, and lake and river outlines. The standardbasemap can be enhanced using MapSource detailedmapping data as shown below.Map orientationarrowMap scale Your currentlocationDog locationMap details fromGarmin MapSourceCity NavigatorNorth America NTThere are two map operating modes. Position mode pansthe map to keep your present location in the display area.The position marker shows your travel on the Mappage.When you press the ROCKER, the Astro 220 enters panmode, which moves the map to keep the map pointerwithin the display area. You can move the map pointerabout the page to highlight and identify map items.You can change the map scale to zoom in or out onitems shown on the page by using the IN and OUT keys.When zoomed in, the map page shows an accuracy circlerepresenting the area containing your current location.You can add and configure up to four optional data fieldsto the top of the page to provide a variety of travel andnavigational information. You can view the detailedmapping data loaded on an optional microSD card.To review map information:1. On the Map page, press MENU > select SetupMap.2. Use the right or left ROCKER to select the MapSetup Info page. The list of maps stored in the unitmicroSD card appears. A check mark indicates themap is shown on the Map page.