Astro Dog Tracking System Owner’s Manual GpS appLIcatIonSHighway PageWhen navigating a route, the Highway page guides you tothe destination using data fields and a graphic highway. Upto four user-selectable data fields show information such asspeed, distance, time to next point on the route, etc.The Highway graphic provides visual guidance, takingyou point by point to your final destination. Your courseis represented by a center line down the middle of thegraphic. As you move toward each point on your route,the graphic shows the direction you should move to stayon course to the next point. Use the In and Out keys tochange the five scale settings for zooming in or out on thehighway.To navigate using the Highway page:1. While navigating, select Highway from the GPSApplications Menu, and observe your path of traveldisplayed on the highway graphic.2. Use the Options Menu to do the following:Stop navigation/resume navigationRecalculateConfigure data fields from four to three with adestination guidance messageChange the data fieldsRestore defaults to factory settingsProximity LocationsUse the Proximity Locations page to define an alarmcircle around a stored location.To add a proximity location1. Access GPS Applications > select Proximity toopen the Proximity Location page.•••••