Astro Dog Tracking System Owner’s ManualSettInGSSettInGSCustomize the operation of your Astro 220.To access the Settings Menu:Press MENU twice > select Advanced > Settings.System SetupControls settings for GPS, WAAS, battery type, language,external power, and proximity alarms.GPS—sets the unit to operate in Normal mode,Battery Saver mode, GPS Off, or Demo Mode.WAAS—allows you to enable or disable WideArea Augmentation System.Battery Type—allows you to select the batterytype (alkaline, NiMH, or lithium).External Power Lost—causes the unit to remainon (Stay On) or turn off (Turn Off) when externalpower is removed.Proximity Alarms—indicates if custom points ofinterest proximity alarms are on or off.•••••Use the System Options Menu to Restore Defaults toreturn the System Setup fields to their original values,Card Info to view micro SD card status and MassStorage Mode to use a microSD card as a data storagedevice. Software Version shows the software version andunit identification number. Mass Storage and Card Infoare unavailable if a microSD card is not installed.Dog List SetupUse the Dog List to keep track of the dogs you havelinked to your Astro 220.Dog List options allowyou to view the DogInfo page, move the dogon the list, or remove thedog from the list.