Jeppesen Database InformationThe GPSMAP 496 includes an internal Jeppesen® database thatprovides location and facility information for thousands of airports,VORs, NDBs, and more. Updates to the Jeppesen database areavailable every 28 days online ( The updateprogram is designed to operate on Windows ®-compatible PCs andrequires the included PC Interface Cable to connect your GPSMAP496 to the PC’s serial communications port. The followinginformation is provided from the internal Jeppesen database:Airport—* identifier, facility name, city/state/country, latitude/longitude, field elevation, available fuel types, runway designationsand layout, runway surface, runway length, runway width, runwaylighting, communication frequencies, and published approaches.Weather—frequencies associated with an airport (ASOS, ATIS, andAWOS).VORs—* identifier, facility name, city/state/country, location(latitude/longitude), frequency, service volume (high, low, terminal),and type (such as VOR-DME, TACAN, and VORTAC).NDBs—* identifier, facility name, city/state/country, location(latitude/longitude), and frequency.Intersections—identifier, nearest VOR, radial and distance fromnearest VOR, location (latitude/longitude), and region/country.ARTCC—Air Route Traffic Control Centers.Airspace—boundaries (Class B, Class C, Control Zones, SUAs, andMOAs), controlling agency, and vertical boundaries.FSS—Flight Service Stations.* Symbology used for NDBs, VORs, and airports is consistent withthose used on a sectional chart.Database UpdatesUpdates to the Jeppesen database are available every 28 days online( The update programsare designed to operate on Windows ®-compatible PCs and requiresthe included USB Interface Cable to be connected to the unit and anavailable USB port on your computer.NOTE: After you perform an update to your Jeppesen database,verify that all of your flight plans (routes) in your unit arecurrent. If there is an obsolete Jeppesen aviation point in a savedroute, the route is locked and unusable. You need to create a newroute with current Jeppesen database points.An optional FlightBook software package is available to assist withyour flight record keeping. Visit the Garmin Web site GPSMAP 496 Owner’s ManualAPPENDIX > JEPPESEN DATABASE INFORMATION