A UTOMOTIVETo edit the route on the map:1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu. Use theROCKER to select Route from the vertical menu of tabs.2. Select the route, and press ENTER. Press MENU to openthe Route Review Page options menu.3. Highlight Edit on Map, and press ENTER.4. Use the ROCKER to select a location on the route (the routeturns white when the arrow is over the route). Press ENTER.5. Use the ROCKER to drag the route to the new point location,and press ENTER.Editing the route on the map6. If the New Waypoint Page opens, edit the waypoint, highlightOK, and press ENTER.7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 until all points are added to theroute. Press QUIT to finish.To set speed and fuel/plan your route:1. Open the Route Review Page options menu.2. Highlight Plan Route, and press ENTER. (Highlight SetSpeed and Fuel in Aviation Mode.)Entering Speed and Fuel Flow for trip planning3. Enter the data for Speed and Fuel Flow. When in Marine andAutomotive Modes, you also can enter the date and time ofyou departure. Press QUIT to return to the Route ReviewPage.NOTE: Fuel flow rates are measured in “units per hour.” Systemsetting changes for units of measure (statute, nautical or metric)do not affect the fuel flow measure. You should enter fuelflow rates based on information for your vehicle (such as theoperator’s manual or performance specifications) and note theunits of measure (gallons or liters).GPSMAP 496 Owner's Manual 77AUTOMOTIVE MODE PAGES AND FEATURES > EDITING AND MANAGING ROUTES