A VIATIONVNAV (Vertical Navigation)The VNAV sub tab in the Main Menu provides settings for thevertical navigation feature. These settings create a three-dimensionalprofile that guides you from your present location and altitude to afinal (target) altitude at a specified location.When the VNAV profile is defined, message alerts help keep youinformed of your progress. The teal bar on the HSI on the PanelPage shows your VNAV profile.To use the vertical navigation feature, your ground speed must begreater than 35 knots and you must be navigating a Go To or a route.The “Approaching VNAV Profile” message appears one minuteprior to the initial descent point. The descent angle locks to preventchanges in speed from altering the profile. The VNAV feature doesnot take into account any changes in groundspeed that occur duringthe transition from level flight to descent or climb.At 500 ft above the target altitude, the “Approaching TargetAltitude” message appears, the time to vertical navigation goesblank, and the VNAV indicator disappears from the Panel Page.CAUTION: The GPSMAP 496 is a VFR navigation tool andshould not be used to perform instrument approaches. VNAVis only a VFR navigation aid and is not intended for instrumentapproaches.VNAV ProfileGlide Ratio to TargetDistance to TargetDistance to ProfileTarget AltitudeAirportVisual representation of VNAVUsing the VNAV FeatureUse the VNAV (Vertical Navigation) feature to ensure that you areflying at the proper altitude. The VNAV Indicator appears on theHSI (Panel Page) as a horizontal teal bar, as shown in the image onthe next page. A message appears when you are approaching theVNAV Profile. When the bar is in the vertical center of the HSI, youare at the proper altitude for the VNAV Profile. Make sure VNAVIndicator is On in the options menu. From the Panel Page, pressMENU to open the options menu. Select Capture VNAV Profile,and press ENTER to center or re-center the VNAV indicator onthe graphic HSI. You must have entered a valid vertical navigationprofile and be navigating.42 GPSMAP 496 Owner's ManualAVIATION MODE PAGES > PANEL PAGE