A UTOMOTIVECreating RoutesThe GPSMAP 496 lets you create and store up to 50 reversibleroutes, with up to 300 waypoints each.Routes can be created in two ways. The first way is to selectwaypoints from the Find Menu, allowing you to see a list of theroute points as you create the route. The second way is by selectingwaypoints or map items from the Map Page, allowing you to seeeach route point graphically on-screen as you create the route.Route TabTo create a route using the Find Menu:1. Press MENU twice to show the Main Menu.2. Use the ROCKER to highlight Route from the vertical listof tabs.3. Press MENU to show the Route options menu. Select NewRoute, and press ENTER.ORHighlight the first available blank route slot and pressENTER. The Route Review Page automatically opens,showing a blank route.4. Press ENTER to find items to add to the route.5. The Find Page or Find Menu opens (based on which UsageMode you are in). Using the methods discussed in the“Finding an Item” section beginning on page 58, select apoint to add to your route. When you find an item, highlightOK, and press ENTER to add the point to the route. Repeatuntil you have added all of the points to the route.Creating a New Route on Route Review PageGPSMAP 496 Owner's Manual 61BASIC OPERATION IN AUTOMOTIVE MODE > C REATING ROUTES