54 GPSMAP 496 Owner’s ManualVHF Comm > OverviewVHF CommThe GPSMAP 496 can also output frequency data to a Garmin aviationradio. Currently the two models supported are the SL30 nav/comm andthe SL40 comm. Refer to page 159 for wiring information.CaUtion: This interface does not have an FAA installationairworthiness approval. If any abnormalities with SL 30/40tuning or operation are encountered, disconnect the GPSMAP496 from the SL 30/40 tuning interface.To configure the VHF comm output:1. Press MENU twice. The Main Menu appears.2. Highlight the Setup tab.3. Use the ROCKER to select the Interface sub tab.4. Highlight the Serial Data Format field and use the ROCKERto select TIS In/NMEA & VHF Out or Aviation In/NMEA &VHF out. These comm modes send both NMEA data and VHFfrequency information.The following features are now available on the radio:Remote frequency lists for departure, enroute, and arrival airportsNearest VOR frequencies (SL30 only)notE: See your SL30/40 User’s Guide regarding informationon accessing remote frequency lists.You can also use the GPSMAP 496 to directly tune a standbyfrequency in the radio by using the Comm tab when reviewing anairport.To select a standby comm frequency:1. Use the map pointer or the NRST key to select an airport.2. Highlight the Comm sub tab.3. Select a comm frequency, and press ENTER. The frequency is nowtuned in the standby slot on the radio.If the comm frequency has a restriction, the restriction page has atune button, which performs the same function.••