50 GPSMAP 496 Owner’s ManualAviationAviation Mode Pages > E6B TabTo calculate true airspeed and density altitude:1. From the E6B tab, highlight the Indicated Altitude field (at thetop of the page), and press ENTER.2. Use the ROCKER to enter the altitude shown on your altimeter.Press ENTER when finished.3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to enter the Calibrated Airspeed,Baro Pressure, and Total Air Temperature. (For CalibratedAirspeed, use the speed shown on your airspeed indicator.Use the current altimeter setting for Baro Pressure. Total AirTemperature is the temperature of the outside air includingthe heating effect caused by speed. For most aircraft, this isthe temperature reading on a standard outside air temperaturegauge.) The calculated figures for True Airspeed and DensityAltitude are shown in the designated fields.E6B TabCalculatedfiguresCalculatedfigureCalculated oruser-enteredfigureBarometricpressurefrom thenearestMETARTo calculate winds aloft:1. Follow the steps in the previous procedure to determine trueairspeed.ORUse the ROCKER and ENTER keys to manually enter a trueairspeed figure in the True Airspeed field.2. Use the ROCKER to highlight the Heading field, and pressENTER.3. Use the ROCKER to enter the aircraft heading shown on yourdirectional gyro or compass. Press ENTER when finished.The calculated figures for Head Wind, Wind From, and WindSpeed appears.notE: If a True North reference is currently selected as theheading reference on your GPSMAP 496, you must enterHeading using a True North reference to determine windsaccurately.To restore defaults on the E6B tab:1. Open the E6B tab on the Main Menu.2. Press MENU to open the options menu.3. Highlight Restore Default, and press ENTER.