63Transferring City Navigator CD Data to a Data Card (USB Programmer)Included with your purchase of the StreetPilot III is a Universal Serial Bus (USB) Data CardProgrammer, which allows you to quickly download maps from your PC to a data card that is alsoincluded with the StreetPilot III. Follow the directions in the USB Data Card Programmer User’sManual to install the software, then connect the programmer to your PC’s USB port. Once you’veinserted the City Navigator CD and started the MapSource program on your PC, move the cursor to thepull-down menu at the top of the screen and select “City Navigator.”Now, select the detailed coverage areas you want to download. You can continue to add map areasuntil the total map size reaches the limit of your data card. Click on the download button at the top ofthe screen, and the information quickly downloads to the data card. As you load different map areas,MapSource will overwrite previously stored data.Older model PC’s may not have a USB Port or operating system support for a USB connection. Insuch instances, you may program the data card directly through the StreetPilot III. Connect the Street-Pilot III to the PC using the supplied PC cable. Insert the data card into the StreetPilot III. Run theMapSource program, select the desired maps and transfer the map data. Using this method to programyour data card is MUCH slower than using a USB connection. Map data that transfers in minutes usinga USB programmer can take 30 minutes or longer when programmed through the StreetPilot III.For more information, please refer to the MapSource User’s Manual and Reference Guide under“Creating and Using Map Sets” and “Transferring Data.”Installing the Data CardWhen you’re finished downloading, remove the data card from the USB Programmer and insert itinto the slot with the label facing toward the front of the StreetPilot III. Make sure the connector end ofthe cartridge is inserted into the slot, NOT the handle end. When properly inserted, the cartridge willprotrude slightly from the slot (not flush).CAUTION: Incorrect data card installation can result in internal damage to your GPS unit!Using MapSourceand Data CardsAppendix G,The supplied USB Programmer allows you to quicklydownload City Navigator maps using your PC. Referto the USB Programmer User’s Manual and ReferenceGuide for additional instructions.Insert the data card into the StreetPilot III with the labelfacing the front of the unit, and with the handle end out.