CS 5000User Manual©2009 GARRETT METAL DETECTORS 29 PN 1530100 REV H10. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSThis Manual is designed to provide all necessary information required for operation of the Garrett CS5000 walk-through metal detector. It contains four sections:• Description of the detector;• Description of all controls;• Operators’ responsibilities;• Basic operating instructions.10.1 BASIC INSTRUCTIONSIn addition to following all operating procedures as directed by supervisors the operator of a CS 5000detector has only these responsibilities:• Assure that the detector is always operating properly;• Select Off and Operate / On modes;• Regulate volume of the alarm;• Read and/or reset the counter;• Respond to all alarms.10.2 LCD REPORTS INFORMATIONThe LCD on an overhead panel of the detector reports information concerning the unit’s calibrationand operation. This includes program data, sensitivity settings, operator settings and fault indication.A bright LED bar graph, easily visible from a distance, reports detection levels and separate lightsindicate ready and alarm conditions. All regulation and control functions are “self-prompting” with nec-essary commands shown automatically on the LCD. The unit also features the capability to report atraffic count on its LCD.Exact control of the unit’s sensitivity is assured by a system with 200 precise and repeatable stepsfor each program level, regulated by state-of-the-art touchpads and reported visually on the LCD.Improved security of the unit’s detection settings comes from a totally new system of access codes.Two levels of codes eliminate the need for bothersome keys for locked doors or other protectivedevices, while the CS 5000’s circuitry provides precise accuracy of calibration never before achieved.Access Code #1 is used by supervisors for selecting programs and sensitivity, with Access Code #2designed for initial set-up and overall control. All settings are encoded by touchpads and stored in aresettable memory.Security of the unit’s calibration settings is further protected by a non-resettable sequence code thatallows supervisors to keep a log of all changes that are ever made to the program, sensitivity or setup, as well as any unsuccessful attempt at changing them. In addition, a tamper indication reports anyunauthorized attempts at access.A complete and automatic self-diagnostic program is carried out by the CS 5000 each time theOPERATE touchpad is pressed. In addition, the detector utilizes self-testing circuitry that enables it toidentify and report automatically the failure of elements that would affect operation of the unit.10.3 CONTROLS / LCD DISPLAYLarge alpha/numeric display on the Control Panel, backlit for easy viewing, reports(in words) all regulating, controlling and self-prompting functions of the unit. Because the unit isdesigned to be “user-friendly,” all regulation and control functions are self-prompting with necessarycommands shown on the LCD display. Operators should follow instructions of supervisors concerningresponses to these commands.