CS 5000User Manual© 2009 GARRETT METAL DETECTORS 40 PN 1530100 REV H11.4.2.1 Case I: Use internal power• Disconnect from AC power;• Open Access Door of detection unit;• Remove three (3) screws that holdcontroller cover;• Connect the relay or device to control, as shownat right;• Replace cover and reconnect power. Case II: Use external power• Disconnect from AC power;• Remove three (3) screws that holdcontroller cover;• Connect the relay or device to control,• Replace cover and reconnect power. Case III: External logic control• Disconnect from AC power;• Open Access Door of detection unit;• Remove three (3) screws that holdcontroller cover;• Connect the relay or device to control, as shownat right.• Replace cover and reconnect power.11.5 REMOTE CONTROL (OPTIONAL)A complete remote console with all control functionsthat are available on the overhead panel is avail-able for monitoring and controlling functions of theMagnascanner CS 5000 from a location apart fromthe archway.This remote console is connected to the overheadunit with telephone-type cable and RJ 45 connec-tors which can be easily concealed behind overheadpanels or in 1/2-inch conduit. The remote controlreceives its power from the main detector unit.Pressing a touchpad on the remote console achievesthe same result as pressing the same touchpad onthe overhead panel, except for the VOLUME andTONE adjustment.Regulating alarm volume and tone must be doneseparately at the remote console and at each unit itcontrols. This enables the audio to be set separatelyat the required levels for the console and archway.A 50-foot cable is standard, but custom lengths areavailable.