CS 5000User Manual©2009 GARRETT METAL DETECTORS 9 PN 1530100 REV H2.2.6 PROGRAMWhen this touchpad is pressed, the settings for Program and Sensitivity will appear on the LCDdisplay.2.2.7 ACCESSThe ACCESS touchpad will be used only by supervisory management personnel. It permits changingthe Program and Sensitivity codes and also is used to control such functions as synchronization ofmultiple units, pulse frequency, tone, etc. (See Section 5.3). The unit further protects security of controlsettings by maintaining a non-resettable sequence code that indicates any attempt at seeking accessto the settings. When this touchpad is pressed, audio of the system will “chirp” and ENTER CODEwill be displayed on the LCD, prompting the operator to enter an access code. If no attempt is madeto enter a code, the unit will continue chirping for ten (10) seconds and return to Operate Mode. If theoperator enters an incorrect code, audio will sound a Tamper Alarm and ACCESS DENIED will appearon the LCD for five (5) seconds. An asterisk (*) will appear on the Sequence Counter indicating thatan unsuccessful attempt has been made to access the Installation or Program/Sensitivity Modes ofthe unit.If an operator should inadvertently press the ACCESS touchpad, no further action should be taken andthe unit will return automatically to the Operate Mode in about ten (10) seconds.SPECIAL NOTE: The above touchpad functions will be available to operators of the detector at alltimes. Additional functions such as program and sensitivity settings and other adjustments necessaryonly at installation time may be selected by pressing the ACCESS touchpad and entering a securitycode.2.3 INTERNAL MODULES2.3.1 CONTROLLER MODULEThis module (in the center) contains all circuit boards necessary for operation of the detector. Twocables (A and B) that connect this module to the side panels are to be plugged into the connectors atthe top of each panel. The cover of the Controller Module never needs to be removed except for:• Connecting wires to remote alarm relays or synchronization circuitry (See Section 11.3);• Connecting a remote console (See Section 11.5);• Attaching the optional battery back up (See Section 11.6);• Resetting to factory default Access Code (See Section 5.9).Shown above is a view of the detection unit after the access door has been opened. Three metal cov-ers protect (from left) the POWER SUPPLY Module, CONTROLLER Module and the BATTERY PACKModule (Optional).2.3.2 POWER SUPPLY MODULEThis module contains all circuitry that relates to the power required for operation of the detector. ThePower Cord should be plugged into the Power Supply Module at the connector on the lower left side.