in.xe TechBook3737• Measure watertemperature with aDIGITAL thermometerand compare itsreading with temp onthe display If tempreading is different,replace heater• Remove spa cover andlet spa cool down• Add cold water andlower filter cycles• If problem persistsreplace spa packRemovespa coverand letsystem cooldown, untilthe errorclearsReplacespa pack,if problempersistsReplacespa pack,if problempersistsMeasure watertemperaturewith a DIGITALthermometerIs thetemperaturereading on thedisplay correct?yesnoAdd coldwater andlower filtercyclesReplaceheater, ifproblempersistsWater temp in the spa has reached 108°FOH error message / flow chart & step-by-stepFlow chart Step-by-Step