in.xe TechBook7Wall installation procedureFirmly attach lowermounting holes on eachside of the pack withthe 2 remaining screwsand 2 washersThe following material isrecommended:4- # 10 screws ofappropriate length withround, truss or panhead4- washers 5" OD x0625” thickness (12 mmOD x15 mm)Use two 2 standard 2x4or 2x6 wall studs, spacedon 16-inch centers to affixthe spa packIn the case of a flatwooden surface: selectthe most appropriatelocation on wall forthe spa pack A 4" (52mm) square cut-out willbe needed to allowthe transformer to fitthrough itFirmly attach, one at atime, upper mountingholes on each side of thespa pack with 2 screwsbacked by 2 washersNote: Make sure these2 screws and 2 washersare installed They willmake the pack stablewhen input, outputs andaccessory connectors willbe inserted in their ports