42in.xe TechBook42If circulation pump is not working,follow this troubleshooting flow chart:Circulation pump doesn't work / flow chart & step-by-stepVerify if low-levelprogramming hasbeen configuredproperlyyesDo you read120 V for a 120 Vcirc pump (or 240V for 240 V) on theconnector ?Replacecirc pumpnoReplaceaccessoryFuseReplace spa packif you still aren’tgetting a voltagereadingStep-by-StepIf circulation pump is notworking:• Verify low levelprogrammingconfiguration• Start circulation pumpby setting temperatureset point 2 °F higherthan actual watertemperature98• If you don't get a voltagereading, replacethe accessory fuse• If changing the fuse doesnot fix the problem,replace the spa pack• If voltage is as it shouldbe, replace circulationpump• Take voltage readingon the correspondinginlink connector:240 V: Pin 2 & Pin 1120 V: Pin 2 & Pin 5Your reading should be:240 V for a 240 V pump120 V for a 120 V pumpFlow chartAccessory fuse240 V at CP connector:Pin 2 & Pin 1Pin 1Pin 2120 V at CP connector:Pin 2 & Pin 5Pin 2 Pin 5