MOUNTING THE OPENER:1. Getting started.• Position assembled rail on wall next to headerbracket (Fig. 2-4).– Place material on floor under power head toprotect from scratching. (A box, stool, orsimilar device may be needed to clear atorsion spring.)NOTE: For header bracket pins locate Bag 2 fromBox 1.2. Mounting the assembly.• Attach rail to header bracket using clevis pinand cotter pin (Fig. 2-5).• Support power head on step-ladder to preventinterference with header mounted (torsion)spring.NOTE: Before final attachment to ceiling, insurethat assembly is in proper alignment (Fig. 2-4).NOTE: For nuts, bolts, and lag screws locate Bag3 from Box 1.• On finished ceilings, locate ceiling joists ortrusses using a stud finder or similar device.Attach angle iron (not provided) to joists ortrusses through finish material using (provided)lag screws (Fig. 2-6).• On unfinished ceilings or open ceilings, strapsmay attach directly to joists or trusses.Depending on the garage construction, extraframing material (not provided) which may berequired should be installed using appropriateconstruction techniques (Fig. 2-6).NOTE: Refer to your local building codes forappropriate construction techniques.• Attach mounting straps (not provided) to ceilingusing lag bolts (Fig. 2-6).• Set height of power head to following(Fig. 2-6).a) Rail must clear door at door’s highest pointof travel.b) Rail must b e level or at power head endslightly below level.• Securely tighten power head mounting boltsand nuts.• Carefully raise and lower door manually.Ensure door does not contact any section ofpower head or rail.• Check that rail clamp bolts and nuts are tight.• DO NOT PLUG OPENER IN YET!YES / SÍ / OUI NONOFIG. 2-4 Position assembly and align.VIEWFROM ABOVE(not to scale)HEADER BRACKETMounting Straps(not provided)FIG. 2-6 Mounting the power head.ANGLE IRON ON FINISHED CEILINGAttach angle iron to beamsUNFINISHED OR OPEN BEAMExtra framingnot neededExtra framingNEEDEDDRYWALLbolts & nutsbolts & nutsFIG. 2-5 Rail mounting to header bracket.COTTER PINCLEVIS PIN(Chain driveshown)PN# 37026500123 05/15/2009 13