PN# 37026500123 05/15/200920DOOR LIMITS FOR HELP-1.800.354.3643 OR WWW.GENIECOMPANY.COM6The OPEN (UP) and CLOSE (DOWN) door positionsare controlled by making the adjustments on thepanel located on the bottom of the power head. Theadjustments that can be made are:• Close Travel Limit,• Open Travel Limit,Adjust Closing ForceAdjust Opening ForceTransmitter ProgrammingSETTING & TESTING OPEN/CLOSE LIMITSFIG. 6-1 Limit controls.SETSETOPENFORCECLOSECODELEARN LIMITMANUALOpenTravel LimitOpenSet LimitButtonCloseTravel LimitCloseSet LimitButtonDown ForceControlAdjustmentUp ForceControlAdjustmentLearnCodeButtonLEDIndicator LightToGarage Door• Severe injury or death can result if the doorclosing force is set too high.• Never increase the door closing force above theminimum required to move the door.• Never adjust force to compensate for a stickingor binding door.• Perform monthly CONTACT REVERSE TEST asdescribed on page 22 and in Section 10.WARNINGLimit Controls locationon power head.B) CLOSE TRAVEL LIMIT1. Press and hold the "Close Travel Limit" buttonuntil the door is fully closed.2. You can quickly press and release the "CloseTravel Limit" button to move the door in smallincrements. You can also use the "Open TravelLimit" button to move the door slightly in theUP direction.3. Door is fully closed when the bottom edge of doorpresses firmly onto the ground.4. Once the door is in the desired position, press andrelease the "Close SET Limit" button. TheLED indicator light will blink green once. Thisstores the closed position in memory.C) OPEN TRAVEL LIMIT1. Press and hold the "Open Travel Limit" buttonto move the door to its fully opened position. Thisstarts the opener moving in the UP direction.2. Hold the "Open Travel Limit" button until thedoor is in the fully opened position that you desire,then release this button.3. You can quickly press and release the "OpenTravel Limit" button to move the door in smallincrements. You can also use the "Close TravelLimit" button to move the door slightly in theDOWN direction.4. Once the door is in the desired position, pressand release the "Open SET Limit" button.The LED indicator light will blink green twice.This stores the opened position in memory.SETSETCarriage AssemblyChain ConnectorLatchMovementLatchMovementMove in this direc tionCarriage AssemblyBelt ConnectorLatchMovementLatchMovementMove in this direc ti onFIG. 6-2 Engage Chain/Belt Connector to Carriage.Operation of the opener without the Chain or BeltConnector engaged to the Carriage Assembly willresult in damage to rail components including therail pulley.CAUTIONA) ENGAGE CHAIN/BELT CONNECTORTO CARRIAGE1. Press and hold the "Close Travel Limit" buttonuntil the chain or belt connector advances andengages to the Carriage Assembly (Fig. 6-2).Failure to verify the engagement of the belt/chainconnector will result in damage to rail components.CAUTION