4 - 4 DPL-25S • DPL-30S • DPL-35S Super Series Part No. 40462September 2016Section 4 - Scheduled Maintenance ProceduresTABLE A PROCEDURESA-7Inspect the Battery and BatteryCharger - DC ModelsProper battery and charger condition is essential togood machine performance and operational safety.Improper fluid levels or damaged cables andconnections can result in component damage andhazardous conditions.Batteries contain acid. Avoidspilling or contacting battery acid.Neutralize battery acid spills withbaking soda and water.1 Put on protective clothing and eye wear.2 Slide open the battery cover to access thecharger and the battery. The cover must remainopen for the entire charging cycle.3 Be sure that the battery cable connections aretight and free of corrosion.4 Check the battery acid level. If needed,replenish with distilled water to the bottom ofthe battery fill tube. Do not overfill.5 Install the vent caps.6 Connect the battery charger to a groundedoutlet of proper voltage and amperage asindicated on battery charger.7 Set timer based on the amount of use:Light Use—less than 15 lifting cycles: Set to 7hours.Heavy Use—greater than 15 lifting cycles: Setto the ON position.8 The charger will automatically shut off at theend of the set period.Note: If ammeter drops to 3A or less within the first15 minutes, the battery is fully charged.9 Check the battery acid level when the chargecycle is complete. Replenish with distilledwater to the bottom of the fill tube.A-8Inspect the Columns for DamageDetection of damage to columns is essential forsafe machine operation. An unsafe workingcondition exists if the columns are damaged anddo not operate smoothly, free of hesitation andbinding. A daily check of the columns allows theinspector to identify changes in the operatingcondition of the column assemblies that mightindicate damage.1 Visually inspect each column on each mast forthe following:• Dents, gouges or abrasions• Bends or warping• Excessive wear2 Raise and lower the platform through a completecycle.Result: Platform should raise and lowersmoothly, free of hesitation and binding.A-9Check the Sequencing CablesDetection of damage to sequencing cables orcomponents is essential for safe machineoperation. An unsafe working condition exists if thesequencing components are damaged and do notoperate smoothly. A daily check of the sequencingsystem allows the inspector to identify changes inthe operating condition that might indicate damage.