Part No. 40462 DPL-25S • DPL-30S • DPL-35S Super Series 5 - 13September 2016 Section 5 - Troubleshooting Flow ChartsChart 5Machine WillNot Lift, ButPower UnitWill Operate- AC ModelsBe sure the powerunit reservoir is fulland the breathercap has beeninstalled.Be sure the manuallowering cable isproperly adjusted.While pushing in thecontrol activate switchand activating the upfunction, hold bothswitches and check forinput voltage at the N.O.valve coil on the powerunit. Wait 1 secondbefore checking voltage.Put Pos. lead of thevoltage meter on theblack wire and Neg. leadon the green/yellowgrounding wire.Check the resistance ofthe N.O. valve coil.0V DCWhile pushing in thecontrol activate switchand activating the upfunction, hold bothswitches and check forpower at terminal 12(black wire) of the 13 poleterminal strip (J1). This isa 1 second ON timedelayed terminal.0V DC Replace P.C. board.Replace or repair blackwire because of an opencircuit.infiniteohms Replace N.O. valve coil.Tee in pressure gauge atpressure port (stampedP) of power unit. Push inthe control activateswitch, activate the upfunction, hold bothswitches and check thepressure.12V DC7 ohms1800 to2000 psiInspect the mastassemblies for amechanical bind such asforiegn objects that couldhave fallen in betweencolumns.Continued on the nextpage.1800 to2000 psiOn the power unit,remove the return to tankhose off of the T portfitting and plug the hosefitting, leaving 3000 psigauge teed in at the Pport fitting. Push in thecontrol activate switch,activate the up function,hold and check thepressure.Activate the up functionand check for voltage atthe N.C. down valve coils(yellow wire) at the barrelend of each liftingcylinder.0V DC12V DCReplace defective block for downfunction in platformcontrol box.less than 1800 psi12V DCless than 1800 psi