Part No. 52709 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 7 - 15First Edition • Second Printing Section 7 • Repair ProceduresPLATFORM COMPONENTS7 Support the slave cylinder with a lifting device.8 Z-45/25J Models: Support the jib boom bellcrank with a suitable lifting device.9 Use a soft metal drift to drive the rod-end pivotpin out.Crushing hazard. The jib boombell crank may fall when the slavecylinder rod-end pivot pin isremoved if it is not properlysupported.Component damage hazard. Theslave cylinder rod may becomedamaged if it is allowed to fall if itis not properly supported by thelifting device.10 Use a soft metal drift and drive the barrel-endpin out.11 Carefully pull the cylinder out of the primaryboom.How to Bleed the Slave CylinderDo not start the engine. Useauxiliary power for all machinefunctions in this procedure.1 Raise the primary boom to a horizontal position.2 Move the platform level switch up and downthrough two platform leveling cycles to removeany air that might be in the system.2-3Platform RotatorThe platform rotator is a hydraulically-activated,helical gear assembly used to rotate the platform160 degrees.How to Remove thePlatform RotatorComponent damage hazard. Markthe platform mounting weldmentand the rotator flange beforeremoving the platform mountingweldment. The platform mountingweldment must be replaced in theexact same position on the rotatorflange as it was before removal. Ifa new rotator is installed or therotator is disassembled, properalignment can be achieved byrotating the rotator all the way tothe left and then installing theplatform mounting weldment allthe way in the left position.When removing a hose assemblyor fitting, the O-ring on the fittingand/or hose end must be replacedand then torqued to specificationduring installation.Refer to Section Two,HydraulicHose and Fitting TorqueSpecifications.1 Remove the platform. See 2-1,How to Remove the Platform.