Part No. 52709 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 7 - 39First Edition • Second Printing Section 7 • Repair Procedures5-2Secondary Boom Lift CylindersThere are two secondary boom lift cylindersincorporated in the structure of the secondaryboom assembly. These cylinders operate inparallel and require hydraulic pressure to extendand retract. Each secondary boom lift cylinder isequipped with a counterbalance valve to preventmovement in the event of a hydraulic line failure.How to Remove a SecondaryBoom Lift CylinderThis procedure requires specificrepair skills, lifting equipment anda suitable workshop. Attemptingthis procedure without these skillsand tools could result in death orserious injury and significantcomponent damage. Dealerservice is strongly recommended.1 Lower the secondary boom to the stowedposition.2 Raise the primary boom so that it is above thesecondary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin.3 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoseson the secondary boom lift cylinder.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil to squirtor spray.4 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from thesecondary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pinand barrel-end pivot pin. Do not remove thepins.5 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to thelug on the rod end of the secondary boom liftcylinder for support. Do not apply any liftingpressure.6 Use a soft metal drift to drive the barrel-endpivot pin half way out. Lower the barrel end ofthe secondary boom lift cylinder and let it hangdown.7 Use a soft metal drift to drive the rod-end pivotpin half way out.8 Remove the secondary boom lift cylinder fromthe machine.Crushing hazard. The secondaryboom lift cylinder may becomeunbalanced and fall when it isremoved from the machine if it isnot properly attached to theoverhead crane.Component damage hazard.When removing a secondaryboom lift cylinder from themachine, be careful not to damagethe counterbalance valve at thebarrel end of the cylinder.SECONDARY BOOM COMPONENTS