Part No. 52709 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 7 - 31First Edition • Second Printing Section 7 • Repair Procedures4-4Primary Boom ExtensionCylinderThe primary boom extension cylinder extends andretracts the primary boom extension tube.Theprimary boom extension cylinder is equipped withcounterbalance valves to prevent movement in theevent of a hydraulic line failure.How to Remove the PrimaryBoom Extension CylinderBodily injury hazard. Thisprocedure requires specific repairskills, lifting equipment and asuitable workshop. Attempting thisprocedure without these skills andtools could result in death orserious injury and significantcomponent damage. Dealerservice is strongly recommended.When removing a hose assemblyor fitting, the O-ring on the fittingand/or hose end must be replacedand then torqued to specificationduring installation.Refer to Section Two,HydraulicHose and Fitting TorqueSpecifications.1 Raise the primary boom to a horizontal position.2 Extend the primary boom until the primaryboom extension cylinder rod-end pivot pin isaccessible in the primary boom extension tube.3 Remove the hose and cable guard from theupper pivot.4 Tag, disconnect and plug the primary boomextension cylinder hydraulic hoses. Cap thefittings on the cylinder.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.5 Remove the external snap rings from theextension cylinder rod-end pivot pin (at theplatform end). Use a soft metal drift to removethe pin.6 Remove the barrel-end pivot pin retainingfasteners.PRIMARY BOOM COMPONENTS