![H3C S5120-SI Series Configuration Manual Manual pdf 628 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3375400/6b95534c4ac31cac063c82b3e23ed663628f.jpg)
1-11 Basic ConfigurationsWhile performing basic configurations of the system, go to these sections for information you areinterested in:z Configuration Displayz Configuring the Device Namez Configuring the System Clockz Enabling/Disabling the Display of Copyright Informationz Configuring a Bannerz Configuring CLI Hotkeysz Configuring User Privilege Levels and Command Levelsz Displaying and Maintaining Basic ConfigurationsConfiguration tasks in this chapter are optional configurations for the device and independent from eachother. You can perform the configuration tasks without following the order in this chapter.Configuration DisplayTo avoid duplicate configuration, you can use the display commands to view the current configurationof the device before configuring the device. The configurations of a device fall into the followingcategories:z Factory defaults: When devices are shipped, they are installed with some basic configurations,which are called factory defaults. These default configurations ensure that a device can start upand run normally when it has no configuration file or the configuration file is damaged.z Current configuration: The currently running configuration on the device.z Saved configuration: Configuration saved in the configuration file, which helps to restoreconfigurations conveniently.Follow these steps to display device configurations:To do… Use the command… RemarksDisplay the factory defaults ofthe device display default-configurationDisplay the current validatedconfigurations of the devicedisplay current-configuration[ [ configuration[ configuration ] | interface[ interface-type ][ interface-number ] ][ by-linenum ] [ | { begin |exclude | include }regular-expression ] ]Display the configuration saved display saved-configurationAvailable in any view.