114Syntaxconfiguration replace file filenameViewsSystem viewDefault command level3: Manage levelParametersfilename: Specifies the name of the replacement configuration file for configuration rollback.Usage guidelinesTo replace the running configuration with the configuration in a configuration file without rebooting thedevice, use the configuration rollback function. This function helps you revert to a previous configurationstate or adapt the running configuration to different network environments.To ensure a successful rollback:• Make sure the replacement configuration file is created by using the configuration archive functionor the save command on the current device.• If the configuration file is not created on the current device, make sure the command lines in theconfiguration file are fully compatible with the current device.• The replacement configuration file is not encrypted.Examples# Replace the running configuration with the configuration in the my_archive_1.cfg configuration file. system-view[Sysname] configuration replace file my_archive_1.cfgCurrent configuration will be lost, save current configuration? [Y/N]:nInfo: Now replacing the current configuration. Please wait...Info: Succeeded in replacing current configuration with the file my_archive_1.cfg.display archive configurationUse display archive configuration to display configuration archive information, including the archivedirectory, archive prefix, archive interval, maximum number of archives, and saved archives.Syntaxdisplay archive configuration [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]ViewsAny viewDefault command level1: Monitor levelParameters|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regularexpressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.