1-25interface. Depending on whether a protective action is configured, the router takes the actions in Table1-6 to alleviate the impact of the loop condition.Table 1-6 Actions taken upon detection of a loop conditionActionsPort typeNo protective action configured A protective action configuredAccess portz Place the interface in controlled mode.The interface discards all incomingpackets, but still forwards outgoing traffic.z Generate traps.z Delete all MAC address entries of theinterface.z Perform the configured protectiveaction.z Generate traps and logmessages.z Delete all MAC address entries ofthe interface.Hybrid or trunk portz Generate traps.z If loopback detection control is enabled,set the interface in controlled mode. Theinterface discards all incoming packets,but still forwards outgoing packets.z Delete all MAC address entries of theinterface.z Create traps and log messages.z If loopback detection control isenabled, take the configuredprotective action on the interface.z Delete all MAC address entries ofthe interface.Related commands: loopback-detection control enable.Examples# Enable loopback detection on GigabitEthernet 3/0/1. system-view[Sysname] loopback-detection enable[Sysname] interface gigabitethernet 3/0/1[Sysname-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] loopback-detection enableloopback-detection interval-timeSyntaxloopback-detection interval-time timeundo loopback-detection interval-timeViewSystem viewDefault Level2: System levelParameterstime: Sets the loopback detection interval in seconds, in the range 5 to 300.DescriptionUse the loopback-detection interval-time command to set the loopback detection interval.Use the undo loopback-detection interval-time command to restore the default loopback detectioninterval.The default loopback detection interval is 30 seconds.Related commands: display loopback-detection.