12-2To do… Use the command… RemarksDefine an ACL rule rule [ rule-id ] permit tcp[ rule-string ] RequiredExit ACL view quit —Enter class view traffic classifier tcl-name —Configure an ACL based matchcriterion if-match acl acl-number RequiredMatch BT packets if-match protocol bittorrent RequiredExit class view quit —Enter traffic behavior view traffic behavior behavior-name —Configure a CAR actioncar cir committed-information-ratecbs committed-burst-size ebsexcess-burst-size [ red action ]RequiredThe parameters set with thecommand must satisfy thefollowing requirements:cir x 128 ≤ cbs ≤ ebs ≤ cir x 128 x90Exit traffic behavior view quit —Create a policy and enter policyview qos policy policy-name —Associate the traffic behavior withthe class in the policyclassifier tcl-name behaviorbehavior-name RequiredExit policy view quit —Enter EACL service subinterfaceview interface eacl interface-number —Apply the QoS policy to theoutgoing traffic of the subinterfaceqos apply policy policy-nameoutboundRequiredA QoS policy can be applied only tothe outgoing traffic of an EACLservice subinterface.Configure interface binding qos binding interfaceinterface-type interface-number RequiredAfter configuring BT traffic limiting, configure a traffic redirecting action to redirect packets on thespecified interface to a service card. See Traffic Redirecting Configuration for more information ontraffic redirecting configuration.EACL Configuration ExampleBT Traffic Limiting Configuration ExampleNetwork requirementsAs shown in Figure 12-1, configure an ACL to limit BT traffic rate from Host B to Host A to 100 kbps.