17-12Configuring FR interface queuingUniversal queuing mechanisms (including FIFO, PQ, CQ, WFQ, CBQ, and RTPQ) are available on FRinterfaces. For more information about FIFO, PQ, CQ, WFQ, CBQ, and RTPQ, see QoS in the ACL andQoS Configuration Guide.PVC PQ is specific to FR interfaces and is available only on FR interfaces. With FRTS enabled on anFR interface, only FIFO or PVC PQ is available on the FR interface. With FR congestion managementenabled on an FR interface, only FIFO or PVC PQ is available on the FR interface.PVC PQ contains four queues, that is, top queue, middle queue, normal queue, and bottom queue, indescending priority order. Packets in the four queues are sent in the descending priority order, that is,the packets in the top queue are sent first, then the packets in the middle queue followed by the packetsin the normal queue, and finally the packets in the bottom queue. Each PVC on an interfacecorresponds to a PVC PQ priority queue, and all the packets from the PVC are assigned to thecorresponding PVC PQ priority queue.Follow these steps to configure PVC PQ:To do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter FR interface view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Apply PVC PQ to the FR interfaceand set the length of each PVC PQpriority queuefr pvc-pq [ top-limit middle-limitnormal-limit bottom-limit ] RequiredExit FR interface view quit —Enter FR class view fr class class-name —Set the PVC PQ priority queue forthe FR PVCpvc-pq { bottom | middle |normal | top }OptionalBy default, packets from an FRPVC are assigned to the normalqueue.Configuring FR FragmentationThe routers support end-to-end FRF.12 fragmentation.On low-speed FR links, large data packets cause excessive delay. FR fragmentation can fragment largeFR packets into several small packets which can be transmitted on low-speed links with low delay.When voice packets and data packets are transmitted simultaneously, large data packets occupy thebandwidth for a long time. As a result, voice packets are delayed or even dropped, thus affecting voicequality. The purpose of FR fragmentation configuration is to reduce delay for voice packets andguarantee the real-time transmission of voice packets. With FR fragmentation configured, large datapackets are fragmented into small data fragments. Voice packets and the data fragments are sentalternatively, so that voice packets can be timely and evenly processed and the delay for voice packetsis reduced.Follow these steps to configure FR fragmentation:To do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —