30OperationLeft-hand operating panel(Fig. 16/1)• This operating panel contains all thebuttons for the electronically control-led standard cleaning programs.• Individual functions can be added orremoved from the cleaning process,as necessary.• All the buttons are provided withclearly descriptive labels.• The green control lamps in the oper-ating buttons serve as function indi-cators.• The significance and functioningmethod of the individual buttons onthis operating panel are described inparagraph 3.2.2.Steering wheel(Fig. 16/2)• The Hakomatic B 1050 W is steeredby the steering wheel.Safety catch(Fig. 16/3)• The safety catch serves to releasethe parking brake when applied.• Operating sequence to releasebrake:- Tread on the pedal slightly.- Press the catch down.- Release the pedal.Accelerator to drive forwards andbackwards(Fig. 16/4)• The pedal on the right serves to con-trol the driving speed (as in a normalvehicle).• Before actuating the accelerator, usethe driving direction selection switch(Fig. 16/6) to set the direction of trav-el: forwards or reverse.• Forward or reverse drive (accordingto the driving direction selectionswitch setting): Tread the accelera-tor down, forwards, slowly.• Release the pedal: The vehicle auto-matically decelerates. The vehiclerolls to a stop until reaching its zerosetting.• To stop securely, apply the servicebrake (Fig. 16/5).• The speed for forward drive is ap-prox. 8 kph and for reverse drive ap-prox. 4 kph.• The working speed with the brushesswitched on and squeegee loweredis approx. 7.5 kph.An acoustic warning signal(buzzer) is issued should thehydraulic motor overload. Atthe same time, the red alarmlamp (Fig. 16/4) lights up in theleft-hand operating panel(Fig. 17/1) and the drivingspeed is reduced by approx.50%. In addition, an error codeappears in the service indicator(Fig. 17/5).Service brake(Fig. 16/5)• In order to slow down the vehicle andbring the Hakomatic B 1050 W to astop, tread on the foot pedal to theleft of the accelerator (as with a nor-mal vehicle) to actuate the hydraulicservice brake.