11Safety Information1.5 Particular risksRefueling(only Hako Hamster 800 V)• Take the utmost care when handlingfuel: Increased risk of fire! Neverrefuel near open flames orincendiary sparks! Never smokewhen refueling!• Never refuel indoors!• Before refueling, switch off theengine and remove the ignition key.• Wipe up spilled fuel immediately!Batteries (only Hako Hamster 800 E)• To prevent creeping currents,always keep the batteries clean anddry, protect from soiling such as bymetal dust.• Never lay any metallic objects ortools on batteries. Risk of shortcircuit and deflagration!• When charging the batteries, theremust be sufficient ventilation in thecharging area. Otherwise, there is arisk of explosion!• Batteries must not be connected ordisconnected when conductingelectricity.• Wash your hands thoroughly afterworking on batteries.Health hazard• The shaking device for cleaning thepanel air filter may only be actuatedwhen the dirt hoppers are in themachine and have been raised.• It is forbidden to eat, drink andsmoke in battery charging rooms.Safety equipment• Never operate the HakoHamster 800 V/E without the hoodbeing closed and locked (safetyequipment)!• Do not open the hood when theengine is running!1.6 Environmental protection• Sufficient factual knowledge isrequired in order to use substanceswhich could represent a risk tohealth and the environment, e.g oiland lubricants.• Observe the applicable laws andlocal regulations when disposing ofwaste and cleaning agents, alsorefer to the Water Resources Act.• Observe the applicable laws andlocal regulations when disposing ofwaste oil (only HakoHamster 800 V).• Used batteries with the recyclingsymbol must not be disposed of inhousehold waste, refer to paragraph”Entsorgung von Batterien”.