3800i/3800r User’s Guide 2 - 11RS-232 HandshakingRS-232 handshaking is a set of rules concerning the exchange of data betweenserially communicating devices.Default = RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF and ACK/NAK OffWand Emulation ConnectionThe Wand Emulation Connection bar codes should be used if you want tochange the terminal IDonly, without changing any other imager settings. Werecommend using Wand Emulation Plug & Play bar codes to program yourimager to emulate a wand reader. The Wand Emulation Plug & Play bar codeschange other parameters, in addition to changing the terminal ID. Please referto Wand Emulation Plug & Play on page 1-9 for further information.In Wand Emulation mode, the imager decodes the bar code then sends data inthe same format as a wand imager. The Code 39 Format converts allsymbologies to Code 39.The Same Code Format transmits UPC, EAN, Code 128 and Interleaved 2 of 5without any changes, but converts all other symbologies to Code 39. 2Dsymbologies are converted to Code 128.TheCode 39 Format bar code below sets the terminal ID to 61, and theSameCode Format bar code sets the terminal ID to 64.RTS/CTS On* XON/OFF Off* RTS/CTS OffXON/XOFF OnACK/NAK On* ACK/NAK OffCode 39 FormatSame Code Format