Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide 6 - 16 SV Command LanguageIntroductionAll commands to the verifier begin with a tilde, ‘~’, followed by one or morealphanumeric characters. The ‘~’ identifies the subsequent character string as averifier command. The string is parsed from left to right. The first character afterthe ‘~’ identifies the command category. Each command requires at least oneadditional character that identifies the particular command from that category.Some commands require additional data, e.g., a data value, or an option IDcharacter, or a text string. These values are included at the end of the commandstring. The command string format is shown below. As each character isreceived by the SV unit, it echoes back the same character. Echo-back is usedto determine when the verifier has completed the command action. The verifieris ready to receive the next command when the last character of the commandis transmitted (echoed-back) to the host.~CPx…~ - indicates the start of a command string.C - a character that identifies the command CategoryP - a character that specifies the Particular command in the categoryx… - a number or text string (as necessary)Data Match Commands – BA ‘~’ followed by a ‘B’ specifies a command from the Data Match category. AllData Match commands include a second alphabetic character that identifies theparticular diagnostic command. The Data Match Commands are listed below.An important consideration when using data match type commands is the dataformat. These commands incorporate a “scanner” philosophy rather than a“verifier” philosophy. A scanner philosophy is to report the data encoded in asymbol while a verifier philosophy is to report all symbol characters whether theyinclude data or not. Symbol characters typically include stop character, startcharacter, symbology mod check digit(s), internal control characters, etc.depending on the symbology type.The data fields described in the B commands below include data characters only,therefore the ~B commands have a “scanner” philosophy. The one possibleexception is in UPC or EAN symbols the symbology mod 10 check digit is alsoconsidered a data character.